So. Where to start. This is a shot coming down the hill from our new apartment (signed contract this evening, moving in 1. June). It rained all day today. Right as I was walking down the Kornhausbrücke the sun came out and hit the mountains off to the south east of Bern. It's usually too hazy to actually see them. But today they lit up during a break in the rain. Can't really tell too much due to the crappy cell phone camera though. One of these days I'll have the good camera with me and I will get a good shot.

This is how much the Swiss like their buttery bread. You see, the bread ... it eats the butter. It EATS the butter. That's how much butter is in this little Brötchen. Like, a lot.

This is my desk. See?!? It's not all that. Yep, I'm drinking a little bottle of bubbly water. And yes, that's a tin of Lindt chocolate on my desk. I swear ... we eat chocolate all day long. Seriously. It's weird.
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