04 June 2009


Just plugged in the DSL router. Quite easy to install everything and configure. Came pre-configured with WLAN SSID and all usernames and passwords ready to go. Well, actually when you plug it in it must download its settings from the mothership. So it just appears as though it's all pre-configrued. So as far as I'm concerned, effortless. Currently getting 650kb/sec. download via wireless. Wow.

The funny bit of it all was that the service was turned on on Tuesday, but we received the DSL router today.

So now I no longer need to tether the cell phone to get the internetzwerk.

Incidentally, tethering the cell phone goes like this:
1) choose USB Modem mode on cell phone
2) plug cell phone into USB
3) use internet

As a further aside, it appears as though I get 60 minutes/month usage of the public WIFI network. Which Asish tells me exists, but I've never actually seen it anywhere.

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