Last weekend, we bought an avocado at the HUGE Coop grocery store we found. I had plans for yummy tacos or something, but the avocado could not wait another day. After a quick internet search this morning, I found a recipe for avocado chicken and had most, well some of the ingredients. It involved quick searing the chicken, making the avocado sauce from butter, cheese, flour, chicken broth, garlic, and, of course, avocados. The recipe also called for celery seed, white wine, and a few other items we don't have--I bunted. I was a little skeptical as it was baking. But yum, actually tastes really good. The garlic and avocado really blend well. Some oven-roasted carrots and rice and we have a complete dinner, which we enjoy separately because Noah needs his playmate (Colin) to play legos or go to the park.
And I think I've figured out the knack of cooking rice on my Swiss stovetop. The burners seem to stay HOT, no matter how low I set the temperature. I stood, watched the rice and water until it boiled. Removed it from the heat. Turned the burner off for a few minutes, then set it to the lowest setting and returned the rice.
The cooking experiments continue. Tomorrow: taking a second stab at making my own pizza crust. The first time did not go well...imagine cardboard.
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