13 September 2009

Mille et Un Fromage

Saturdays have turned into farmer's market days. We started going a month or so ago - zip down there, run through and grab local fruits and vegetables for the week. Slightly cheaper than the grocery stores, way more delicious. Also somewhat entertaining for Noah for the morning. Our neighbors though told us about the "fancy" farmer's market. It's really part of the same thing, but just behind the Zytglogge are the fancy vendors on Munstergasse - meats, cheeses, olives, more meats, more cheeses. We grabbed all the usual stuff - garlic, potatoes, blueberries, spinach. We also purchased some goat cheese from "1000 et Un Fromage". Best. Goat. Cheese. Ever. I think I want to start in on the meats soon as well - try out a few different snausages. Now that we've found the fancy place, we're going back.

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