14 July 2009

Friday's in CH

I had read a blog by some MN girlie a long time ago, and she was talking about her new Freitag bag. Having looked it up, I was of course fascinated by its awesomeness - the company takes old truck tarps and makes messenger bags out of them. They also have a cool application that allows you to cut out your own personalized bag from existing tarps.

I of course wanted one.

Because they are actually kind of cool.

Until you get here.

And realize ... everyone in Switzerland has one. It's ridiculous. Literally. Every. One. Has. One. In the bike shop where I saw this awesome "wall-o-Freitag", a girl who got one quite literally forgot her credit card in the store she was so excited. Probably because after purchasing it there was no more money left in her account so it didn't really matter.

Because ...

They cost like a million bucks each. Seriously. At CHF 300 for a basic one ... like a handbag with nothin'. An iPod case is 50 bucks! The dudes who started this company must be richer than snot by now. Can't spit without hitting one everyone here has one. Have I mentioned that? Everyone has one? So, you're Swiss? Here's your Freitag bag.

So now I'm making Alison bring back the old chrome bag on her trip home in August.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

That's funny. I, of course, am one of those losers with a Freitag bag (and a wallet). :) You would buy one too if you came to the "real" store in Zurich. Let me know if you ever plan to visit and we will make a run out there. It's pretty cool.